Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's easy to forget....

So here I am, been away for awhile and in all honesty it has felt AMAZING! I deleted my facebook,why you ask? Well it's so easy to get caught up in what other people think or say. I mean how many people on there are actually MY friends and genuinely care about me and how many are there to see if I am making a mess of my life. They see a post and assume it is something that it's not or you respond to a status and they think it was rude....really? I'm just getting to old for nonsense I graduated 13 years ago,so long high school drama!
I will be 31 next week and I have come to the realization that I can be a mother a wife a friend a sister a daughter and still be HAPPY. I have been so busy pleasing others that I have lost sight of what I want in life,not anymore folks! Changes will come and I'm sure some will hurt while others will celebrate,cant please em' all. Is it selfish? That's the hard part, is being happy fair?

I found this and fell in love......

it's so easy to forget about your happiness when your worried about others,I will force myself to remember because I deserve a sweet life!

<3 Jen


Anonymous said...

Lovely post Jen!
I deleted my facebook a few weeks ago for many of the same reasons that you did. Im proud of you! Thats a great quote!

Robin said...

I genuinely care about you and your family. Glad you're doing well, I miss you all!