Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The things I am loving

Today is a good day, why you ask.....well if it's not good then it must be bad,right? I choose good!! I woke up with a monster headache had a cranky 7 year old to get ready for school and when I went to find her school uniform in her room it looked like a natural disaster hit, momma was not happy! Lost my patience and hurt her feelings....I hate that :(  Being a parent only gets harder as your children grow. I am praying daily for patience for both Em and I. She is such a great kid and I want her to know that I am proud of her BUT my job is to be a parent not a friend and the older she gets the more I have to be a parent...she calls me strict I call it love <3
So after a challenging morning I found a few things I just love and had to share.

My dream kitchen...you see it up there,isn't it amazing!
Love this bedroom look,perfectly ME <3

What an adorable way to treasure you kids hand prints...may have to make this a summer project!

Can't help but love these...Doc's remind me so much of high school and now in flats,killing me <3 adorable!
What a great idea for laundry...I NEED this in my life!!!!!
Okay I'm done, thanks for putting up with my rant for the day! Remember today is a good day.....cause I said so!
<3 Jen


Anonymous said...

I agree! Parenting gets tougher as they get older!
Its difficult to find the happy medium sometimes between "being strict" and being easy on them. You are doing a great job with your kids though Jen!
I love those Docs! I have word Docs {like the rest of us} for over a decade and O still love them. I used to wear some similar to this style however they were a mary jane flat with a strap over them. They were greyish in color, I loved them! And that Laundry tower?! I love it! 6 baskets is perfect for our family as there happen to be six of us! Great finds! Thanks for sharing them !
Enjoy the goodness of today ♡

Jen said...

Thanks for the kind words Amber, being a parent is a challenge thats for sure...always nice to hear your doing a good job! Doc's....I LOVE THEM!!!!! These are right up my alley, its a need not a want :) lets hope Kenny thinks so too...lol

Nicole said...

first off...drum roll please...YOU WON! please email me with your address. thanks for playing

second...everything you posted above um love!

have a great day! nikki

Jen said...

Yay!!!! I never win anything....I am so honored to be able to have a picture of your's yahoo! Like I said to day= GREAT DAY! Thanks lady <3

Robin said...

Wow those docs are awesome!! I also wore docs constantly in. HS!! I have some black maryjanes! I'll have to wear them more often!