Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Without rain there is no rainbow!

Yes I'm still alive....been a very hard long month but I am doing okay! My kids and I have gone through many changes; all hard but all needed......
The rain is letting up and I can see the beautiful colors of the rainbow shining through,sure some days lightning strikes and the clouds cover what once peered through on a clear day BUT I have learned to dance in the rain and enjoy the sun! Life is too short to be anything other then happy. I am still working on ME away from outside influences,guess that's why I have stayed away from my blog and deleted facebook....I can breath again. Being able to look at myself with and honest smile is amazing,not living for anyone other the me and my children. This life is a good one and at 31 I have finally starting living!!!!!!
I'm not a part of this world....I'm living on top of it!!! 
 <3 Jen

1 comment:

Heather said...

glad your alive ;)! Im glad to hear things are going better and you back.